Now and Then (Isolation)

Make yourself comfortable. Perhaps at a desk, in your bed, on the couch, outside. Somewhere that you won’t feel distracted. Maybe light a candle or incense. Grab a glass of water . Make yourself a tea or coffee. Take a deep breath in through your nose and a long sigh out your mouth. Allow your shoulders to start to relax down away from your ears. Allow your feet to feel the earth beneath you. Ground down. Close through the eyes and take a moment to focus your attention on your breath. Place one hand on your heart and one hand on your belly. Feel your belly rise on the inhale and fall on the exhale. Slowly start to flutter your eyes open and arrive back in the room. Free write the first thoughts that start to come to your mind. No thinking or judging just writing. No one needs to read this. Allow all your thoughts to fall out onto your paper. Once they are out you can start to answer the questions below.

How are you feeling now compared to the beginning of isolation?

What in your life has changed?

What in your life has stayed the same?

What has social isolation made you appreciate in your life?

What has helped you through this time?

How has social isolation changed you as a person?

What is something that will never be the same after social isolation? 

What are you most excited for once social isolation is over?

Who are you excited to hug?

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be and why?  Write what you see, hear, and touch, as though it's all brand new. What are you learning about yourself in this place? Who are you with?

Annie Robinson